Thanks to: Marije Stœlwinder, Mélanie Louna, Louve and Teretwen for their drawings. Aline and Sébastien Bordes to be the custodians of the novel.
Mr. Xavier Helary (professor of the Sorbonne) for having given us a lesson during the year of the license in history on Foulque Nerra count of Anjou and who gave birth at Fulk Arken/Maahar.
Anne Seillant, Romain Roussel, as well as Nathanaël Maillard for the inspiration they brought to me directly or not. David Joulin for listening to me at length in the description of my story. My thanks also go to my family for their encouragement.
Special thanks for the witness protection program provided. by The Simérian Barbarian nicknamed "The Eraser". Throud Steelhammer "You have just... been erased"


'The Last Chronicle of Yrneh' is a copyrighted concept (Novel, site, and derivatives). All the work (novel, paintings, drawings belong) to Arnaud Roussel based on the following articles:

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