
Baldric de Dol

Son of Emergard

Crown Prince

Born 1 Flo 7312

1m87, 90kgs

Auburn hair

Blue eyes

Baldric de Dol is one of the three main heroes of The Last Chronicle of Yrneh. He was born towards the end of the 3rd Cycle, eldest son of Emergard de Dol, King of the kingdom of Sertrach and Iva de Craon princess of a vassal territory of Sertrach. Thus he is the only pretender to the throne in front of his two brothers Nærius and Gondebaud until that the mightiest of all kingdoms of Yrneh falls to Fulk Arken. He will distinguish himself during the story by the mission he must lead in the direction of the Far East in the kingdom of Aurora.
Baldric is a very intelligent young prince who, after the death of his mother, trained his spirit with the elves of Sertrach Forest, and his body with his father's military contingent. He is a fine strategist and is moreover the second swordsman of his kingdom just behind his teacher who is none other than the King. The young crown prince is an adventurer and a brawler, thus it is prohibited in several taverns of its city for having been mixed to many fights. Baldric de Dol is a character who does not stay in place. Outside of battles he travels very often and his travels have taken him to the ice continent where he met many people. Among his friends he counts Hersendis, Niiru, Throud Steelhammer, Danreb, Bir-Keren...
It is within the kingdom of Aurora that he will succeed in unlock Anarya's secrets, and that he will find love...

Iconic phrase: "With heart, steel and ... faith!"
Famous phrase: `"I have a THROUD!"
Favorite weapon: Anaryadraco (dragon sword).
Particularity: A scar on the left eye, absolute ambidexterity.